Aspen’s Wildlife and Animals

As a child, I vividly remember going on school trips to the zoo and being captivated by many of the exotic animals on display. Fast forward several decades, and I am now doing these activities with my 9-year-old son. On a recent family vacation, friends recommended that we visit the world famous ‘Australia Zoo’.

This tourist attraction occupies a 1,000-acre site in the hinterlands and was previously owned by the late Steve Irwin. Irwin, a zookeeper, conservationist, and TV personality was affectionately dubbed “The Crocodile Hunter”. Without a doubt, I really enjoyed the experience and it really reignited my passion for wildlife in general.

Now there are a multitude of reasons people might travel to Aspen, even if it is renowned for being a luxurious ski resort for the rich and famous. This historical mine town offers tourists a rich tapestry of diversity, and is an ideal destination to visit all year round. If you enjoy connecting with nature, then Aspen is a great place to vacation between the months of March and April. The weather is milder and nearly all the snow has melted. This offers revellers the chance to go on scenic hikes and see some amazing wildlife.

Before visiting Aspen, it is important to attain advice from the tourist information centre at Glenwood Springs. There is nothing more special about viewing wildlife in its natural habitat. However, without caution, it could also become a very dangerous affair as well. Within close proximity to Snowmass Village, there are several species roaming free. Here are some of the most popular animals that are definitely worth seeking out.

Black Bears

Black Bears are a common sight around Aspen, but need to be treated with the respect they deserve. The City of Aspen has several Bear Aware tips to avoid being placed in a precarious situation.


The Springtime is a great opportunity to view Elk roaming around the Roaring Fork Valley. The best places to sight these beautiful animals are Owl Creek Road, Sky Mountain Park, and McLain Flats Road.

Mountain Lion

I have only previously seen wildcats in Zoos or animal sanctuaries. Therefore, I would relish the opportunity to see a Mountain Lion prowling the Roaring Fork Valley. However, these creatures are elusive, so a bit of patience might be required.

Red Foxes

These Red Foxes might look cute, but it is advisable to treat them like any other wild animal. Therefore, it is best not to feed them and simply stick to getting some amazing photographs to post on Instagram.